
Isdb Articles Of Agreement

Project Procurement Division (PPR) Operations Policy and Services Department (OPSD) Islamic Development Bank P.O.Box 5925 Jeddah, 21432, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: 00966 12 6466952 Fax: 00966 12 6466966 E-mail: ppr@isdb.org To join, a country must be a member of the OIC; signed the ICD statutes; and filed an instrument for the adoption of the ICD convention with the Corporate Secretariat of the Islamic Development Bank. The ICD offers a wide range of investment and advisory services that help businesses and entrepreneurs in Member States meet the challenges they face in the marketplace. ICD offers innovative, Sharia-compliant financial products for private sector projects in member countries. These include loans on behalf of the CDI (also known as loans A), long-term and short-term financing, equity financing and equity wharf and syndicated loans (or B loans). The CDI often provides financial intermediaries who borrow from clients, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises, also known as financing lines. ICD also offers consulting services to help set up businesses, create full-fledged banks or Islamic windows and financial institutions, but also the state, especially for the issuance of Sukuk government bonds. The CDI can offer a mix of funding and consulting services tailored to the needs of each project. But most of the funding, as well as management and management responsibility, lies with private sector owners and investors. 8.2 Foundation board members covered in paragraphs (c), d) and (e) are appointed by the President, in agreement with the Board of Directors.8.3 The term of office of the members of the foundation board is three years (excluding members of the former officio). No, ICD is a funder of development projects and not a retail bank. ICD was founded in Rajab 1420H (November 1999) as an independent entity within the IDB Group.

The ICD`s mission is to complement the BPI by developing and promoting the private sector as an instrument for economic growth and development in the Member States. The main objectives of the ICD are to identify private sector investment opportunities in Member States in order to accelerate economic growth, to provide a wide range of Shari`ah-compatible financial products and services, and to expand access for private companies in Member States to Islamic capital markets. The Bureau: Taking into account paragraph (xi) of Article 2 of the Statutes and paragraph x of the same article, in accordance with paragraph (a) of Resolution BG/14-99 of the Governing Council, adopted, at its third annual meeting, on 10 March 1399H, 14 March 1979; In accordance with Article 29, paragraph 3, paragraph 3, and Article 30, paragraph 4, of the statutes and section 10 of the Bank`s statutes; in accordance with the above resolution of the Governing Council; The status of the Islamic Development Bank is thus adopted: At the Islamic Development Bank, we equip people with the tools they need to build a sustainable future for themselves, their communities and their countries, and to create infrastructure to reach their full potential. At its meeting at Jumad Awwal 1426H (June 2005), the IDB Board of Governors approved the creation of the International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC). The ITFC agreement was approved at the annual meeting of the IDB 1427H (2006) in Kuwait. The Corporation`s objective is to promote trade in the member countries of the Islamic Development Bank by providing trade finance and implementing activities facilitating intra-international and international trade.